Contributed Videos

Here you will find video submissions from visitors to this site.  All translations, timing and typesetting have been done by each submitter.  If you have translated a video that you feel would be of interest to the readers of this blog, and would like it to be posted here, please send us an email.

Reiseskizzenaus Japan - Translated and timed from German by Dith
Watch - Download
Kiki Miso Soup - Translation and timing in French by Ibaraki Dave
Watch - Download
Kiki Steamed Buns - Translation and timing in French by Ibaraki Dave
Watch - Download


  1. Reiseskizzenaus Japan was absolutely great. No surprise that the editing of the show was superb since it was following a very talented artist. thank you very much for this translation!

  2. AnonymousJuly 15, 2011

    As I don't posses any Google Accounts;Wordpress etc, I'll be posting as anonymous, i'm too laze to make one :P.

    Thanks for watching Ezo, I've had there a little bit of a difficult time subbing these. The German used in the Video was quite elevate, so I've had to often use my friend the dictionary :)!

    As well as many thanks to Zuru, who's posting it on his blog!

  3. YellowToungeJuly 15, 2011

    Just watched Reiseskizzenaus Japan and it was amazing.I was touched and inspired, and the last words (Translators words?) hit hard

    "Don't let yourself be deceived by an unknown enemy"

    I am grateful to you
    Thank you

  4. AnonymousJuly 16, 2011

    Reiseskizzenaus Japan was truely inspiring, such harmony and peace...
    thank you for the subs :D

  5. Kiki Steamed Buns - Translation and timing in French by Ibaraki Dave
    Watch - Download

    = Death ! :(

  6. 5 out of 6 links seem to be broken, unfortunately.

  7. French translation is reeaaaallllyyyy bad :(

  8. Nothing exists anymore, all links seem broken to my browser... :(


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